The podiatry clinic makes it a mission to provide exceptional, quality care to our patients here at Tséhootsooí Medical Center.
COVID-19 Notice
COVID has changed our clinic as we had to close and cancel appointments. We are currently scheduling for emergent cases and chronic cases. We are hoping to expand services soon
Podiatry Clinic is currently in Phase III
Phase 1. Clinic was closed.
Phase 2. Clinic operated only through fast track and telemedicine.
Phase 3. Clinic operating to see urgent/emergent cases.
How to Schedule a Appointment
Scheduling appointments are done via referrals from a primary care provider or the emergency department.
How to prepare for an appointment
Make sure you are not sick with a cough, cold, sore throat, or fever. Be certain that you can smell and taste. Masks are worn the entire time you are in the facility.
Check-in/Waiting Procedure
All patients maintain 6 feet distance. Check in as usual. Wear face mask.
Visitor Guidelines
No visitors will be allowed. Patients only.
Our podiatrists, whom are highly qualified and educated, assess and treat the patients accordingly in the best interest of the patient.
Podiatrists primarily specialize in the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and management of diseases of the feet. Services offered at our clinic include but are not limited to the following:
Clinical Services
Diabetic foot exams, Diabetic shoe/sock dispensing, Foot pain, Heel pain/spur, Toe and foot fractures, Application of lower extremity cast immobilization, Plantar warts, Plantar fasciitis, Peripheral Neuropathy, Ingrown toenail, Toenail trimming, Toenail Fungus, Callus Removal, Debridement of wounds, and Custom orthotic fitting.
Surgical Services
Foot fractures, Plantar wart removal, Bunionectomy, Transmetatarsal amputation, Athrtoplasty, Incision & drainage of abscess, Osteomyelitis, Amputations.